Dear friends, it is now mid-February. I’ve picked up a bit of a cold and am feeling especially whiny and miserable. Right now, the sky is blue and it was actually 9 degrees on the drive in to work today. Today’s high is supposed to be 28 which will feel like a heat wave. We do have snow on the other side of Lake Michigan, with maybe three additional inches expected over the next two days. We’ve had a lot of snow this year. Photos from this past weekend:
Miss Cato the Bear was quite surprised when I carried her to the front porch and she saw all the snow.
It’s been snowing every 2-3 days, and the temperatures have been below average for well over a month (I mean that sincerely, as I track it daily. Talking to me is like reading the Farmer’s Almanac these days).
Snow and more cold this weekend, as they keep pushing the warmer temps out further and further. We may see 30 on Monday…with more snow. People have reported seeing robins in various parts of Michigan, but I have yet to see one. Did you know the scientific name for the robin is…Turdus Migratorius? I shit you not! Heh. As of today, we have 34 days left until the spring equinox. Who knows, maybe under all that snow the spring bulbs are making progress.
Although I was planning on a needle-felting project for the staff members for valentines gifts this year, I just couldn’t pull myself together. Instead, I put together little packages of sparkling juice, lip balm, hand lotion and sweets.
I am reading Beauty Tips for the Bereaved by Sunny Haralson. Her writing is mesmerizing, absolutely fantastic. Her name links to her blogspot. Absolutely amazing, like the first time I read Rivethead.
I’ve been spending time working on projects on the loom kit that Kirsten got me for Christmas. So far I’ve made a hat and a pair of arm warmers. Right now I’m finishing up a scarf for a coworker who, although born in Michigan, has never had a winter scarf before. However, I will be starting a new sewing project very soon! Another coworker is having difficulty with her four Boston Terriers marking all over her house. I’m going to put together a pattern and sew a belly band. Tutorial will follow once the project is complete.
Here’s your pick-me-up for the day:
One year ago it was 41 degrees with signs of spring. I was reading the new Charlie LeDuff book, more Daphne du Maurier and Maxy had been in to see the vet for the arthritis in his foot. Two years ago, I had hand-made valentine’s gifts for all the staff members and had read a Deborah Harkness book from her trilogy.
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