Sunset Villas

Wednesday, July 11, 2012 0 No tags Permalink

Sunset Villas
1895 S. Ocean Blvd (Rt.A1A)
Pompano Beach, Fla.
31 Efficiencies and One-Bedroom Apartments. Color TV in lounge. Guest cruises aboard our yacht. Fresh water swimming pools, private ocean beach. Shuffleboard and Barbecue. Telephone in every room. Heated. Air-conditioning optional. Spacious lawns. Open all year. Telephone WH 1-7242.

This lovely card was mailed from Pompano Beach on March 9, 1964 to Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Barton, 47 Herrick Ave, Elsmere NY

Message: Today was loveliest of all. Sky so blue, air clear and temp. around 80. Picnicked below Miami again. Early bed after all the sun and air. A week from now we’ll be home. Love, W & J

It appears this lovely location has been replaced with a boring condo.

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