Sewing Project – Dog Bait Bags

Saturday, April 27, 2013 0 No tags Permalink

Learn a Trick? Get a Treat!

We use dog bait bags (treat bags) at the shelter when we’re working at training dogs. Doing behavior work with the shelter dogs helps them keep their minds active (avoiding kennel psychosis), and dogs who know tricks and basic obedience commands are more adoptable. At our Humane Society, we only use positive reinforcement training (Victoria Stilwell instead of Cesar Millan). High-quality treats are an important tool, and having a treat bag or bait bag right on your waist frees up your hands for hand-signalling or squeaking/clicking.

Petco has bait bags, and they just put them on sale. Cheap.

Petco Bait Bag
But for some reason, it was suggested to me that I use my mad sewing skills and make dog bait bags for all the staff members. I drew up my plans and did some measuring of the sample bag. Then I asked Bob if he had a compass (to make a circle, not for directions), and if he could make me a 4″ circle for my pattern, which he did (he is so good to me!).

dog bait bag project

They are going to be made from purple canvas with a purple nylon for the interior. I think they are going to go together fairly easily, but I need to work on tracking down a clip for the waistband and the little cord tightener thing to cinch down the inside nylon (cord stop, apparently).

I started cutting out the fabric while watching Mad Men on the DVR. I cut out enough for 12 of them, so I’ll be doing this project assembly-line style. It’s good to be sewing again, though I hope this project is one of the easier ones. I’m ready to get back to sewing something fun for myself!

Looks like the weather is maybe headed in the right direction. It’s supposed to be in the mid to upper 60s and sunny for the weekend. It won’t be long until all the flowers are in bloom!

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