Where Tuesday was 55 degrees and felt like spring, today is 18 (and dropping) with several inches of snow and a fierce wind. I’m cold and can’t help thinking that it would be nice to be somewhere a little warmer…like at the Sage N Sand.
Sage n Sand Beach Motel
3059 So. Atlantic Ave., Daytona Beach, Fla. South on Route A1A. A lovely spot in a quiet section. Directly on the beach. New, Modern efficiency apts. and motel rooms. T.V., air-conditioned and central heat. Ample parking. Close to good fishing, golf, shopping center and restaurants.
Phil and Becky Morgan, Owners-Mgrs.
Tel. 252-0056
70515 Made by Dexter Press Inc. West Nyack, New York. Pub. by O’Brien Color Studios, 3174 S. Penninsula Dr., Daytona Beach, Fla.
Guess what?! The Sage n Sand is still in business. Granted, it doesn’t get the best reviews on Trip Advisor (except for the maid, who is apparently very cute).
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