National Postcard Week 2015

Tuesday, May 5, 2015 0 No tags Permalink

It’s National Postcard Week 2015! Here is the card I designed and sent this year:

National Postcard Week 2015

The motel is the Royal Arms (read about it here). You’ll see Cato and Maxy added as well.

This is the 32nd year of celebration for NPCW. If you are interested in receiving your own copy of one of this year’s card, let me know in the comments.

Here are some of my favorite postcard blogs:

The Downtowner

The Postcard Motel

Postcard Roundup

*Postcard Gems

Bad Postcards

Deltiology: is the study and collection of postcards.

National Postcard Week 2014

National Postcard Week 2013

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