My Cassius

Monday, March 4, 2024 0 No tags Permalink

My Cassius. Cass has been living in my office for a couple of years now. Of course, he had my heart when he was a return adoption in 2015. He was adopted out as a tiny kitten and returned likely because he had IBD. He has been on steriods for years to manage his condition.

In January, he went through a spell where something wasn’t quite right. He spent 48 hours at the vet on emergency, with IV antibiotics and fluids. He improved after that, but wasn’t quite the same. The past week or so has had another downturn.

Today is a beautiful day, sunny and warm. It feels like May, like spring. And so Cass goes off to explore the rainbow bridge.

Baby Cass, 2015

I hope there is a heaven for cats. I hope Cass is restored to health. And I hope every now and then, he looks down on me.

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