Mission Inn Riverside California

Tuesday, November 26, 2013 0 No tags Permalink

Vintage Postcard – Mission Inn Riverside California

Mission Inn

Mission Inn Entrance
Riverside, Calif.
One of the most beautiful hotels in the Southland, covering an entire city block in the heart of Riverside.

“Plastichrome” by Colourpicture, Boston, Mass., U.S.A.
Distributed by Mitock & Sons, 13561  Ventura Blvd., Sherman Oaks, Calif.

This lovely vintage postcard was mailed using a 4 cent Lincoln log cabin stamp like this one here. It was sent to Miss Catherine Robbins, 231 Washington St, Riverside, New Jersey from Los Angeles February 2, 1966. It reads:

Greetings –
I just got away in time to miss all that snow. Having quite a bit of the flu here though. Take care now. Affectionately Priscilla
Spent week end at this Inn. Beautiful place. Many thanks for valentine.

You’re in luck…the Mission Inn is still open for business! It is on the National Listing of Historic Landmarks and the Historic Hotels of America. From Wikipedia: “The property began as a small, cottage hotel called the “Glenwood Hotel” built by civil engineer Christopher Columbus Millerin 1876. In 1902, Miller’s son Frank changed the name to the “Mission Inn” and started building, in a variety of styles, until he died in 1935.” It is sometimes compared with the Winchester House, due to the number of rooms and winding passageways. And, like the Winchester House, it is thought to be haunted.

Here’s a post on ghost hunting at the Mission Inn. You can apparently take a tour of the catacombs beneath the old hotel. Here’s another blog post; apparently, the Mission Inn is quite popular among paranormal enthusiasts. This blog post gives some nice history about the place, plus a video/photo slideshow. Ten US presidents have stayed at the Mission Inn through the years.

The place gets fantastic reviews. It holds six restaurants and a lovely spa. If you’re in the Riverside, California area, do check it out. And send me a postcard!

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