Misc. Monday

Monday, April 28, 2014 0 No tags Permalink

Even though it was a three-day weekend, it went so quickly. We took care of some yard work, which involved a yard of top soil and a fair amount of manual labor.  A few of the daffodils are open, as are the hyacinths. Mom and I attended a class at Southern Exposure Herb Farm (an annual tradition).

We planted a little tree to replace the pine that died last year:


Maxy took his first walk-about of spring:


We said goodbye to the Equinox:


And hello to the Outback:


Though tomorrow is supposed to be warmer, we’re in for another cool-down next weekend. Can’t believe Thursday is May 1st. It doesn’t feel much like it, weather-wise.


I am still working on the Moogly Chroma Crochet bag, though I expect to finish it up this week. I’ve been watching Mad Men while working on it. Looking forward to starting a new project.

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