Hotel Tioga
Merced, California
This modern hotel, located in the center of the Business District of Merced, caters not only to local people but to thousands of tourists en route to Yosemite National Park. Merced, at the crossroads of highways 99 and 140, is a rich diversified farming area. Our facilities include a modern Cocktail Lounge and Coffee Shop.
Phone 723-3254
Good news, friends! The Hotel Tioga is listed in the National Register of Historic Places (#80000821 ), and now operates as the Tioga Apartments.
July 8, 2013
Dear catopbear i was wondering if I could get your permission to use the picture you have of the tioga merced for a logo for a podcast?
July 9, 2013
Tomas, if you use the image online, I ask that you link back to my site.