Happy New Year

Happy New Year! Well, almost. And holy cats, what a year. From rotten politics to COVID and quarantine, we’re not sure if we are coming or going most days. While we look forward to the new year, it’s hard to tell what it will hold. We’ll keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best.

This lovely vintage postcard features

La BreezeMotel
1114 No. Atlantic Ave., on A1A
Daytona Beach, Florida
Tel. CLinton 3-9165
Ultra Modern Rooms, Apts. And Efficiencies
Located Directly On The “World’s Most Famous Beach.”
Hot Water Heat Reasonable Rates

O’Brien Color Studios, Daytona Beach, Fla.

The card has not been used, but the writing on the back says:

Hello —–
This is a picture of our motel. It is a beautiful

and it cuts off there. The property, according to Google Street View, is now an empty lot.

Wishing you and your family much happiness and great health in 2021.

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