Vintage Postcard – Flagship Motel
Redington Beach
17040 Gulf Boulevard St. Petersburg, Fla.
Right on the gulf …. 22 New, ultra modern, air conditioned units (acc. 2-4 persons); each consisting of luxurious “stateroom”, deluxe “sleeping quarters”, all electric “galley”, ample “lockers and chest” space and private tile bath. Parking on the deck at your cabin door. Private Beach.
Genuine National Color, Made by Dexter Press, Inc. West Nyack, N.Y.
Pub. by R.W. Sheldon, Gulfport, Florida
This lovely vintage card was mailed using a 2 cent red John Adams stamp January 23, 1954. It was sent to Mr. & Mrs. Hyland Bullen. Middletown, R.D. Delaware and reads:
It is lovely down here. This is where we are staying. Henrietta & Howard C.
This is the second card I have from the Flagship; an older version is here.
Hyland Bullen is an unusual name. A match in Delaware has him born January 22, 1893 and died October 1, 1965. The RD in the address is Representative District. His wife’s name is Mary and they had six children. Looks like all the children and Mary have passed as well.
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