Feline Friday

Friday, November 21, 2014 0 No tags Permalink


Here we have brothers Preston and Stiles participating in a round of synchronized sitting in the cat solarium. They’ve both lived with us since they were tiny kittens.


And here is one of those fancy blur-action shots, courtesy of Fred.

We’ve made it through another week. And, although we are certainly lucky to not be living in Buffalo this week, we did get maybe four inches of snow from Tuesday through yesterday. And it’s cold, too…16 degrees on the way to work this morning. But today did start out sunny:


Seeing blue sky absolutely lifts the spirits. Right now Monday is supposed to be 52 and rainy, so maybe the snow will all go away. Our temperatures have been much  colder than average:

Working on scarf eight of the #12scarvesofxmas. Unfortunately, I believe I’ve saved the most difficult scarves for the end of the project. Thanksgiving weekend is normally when I start the holiday greeting cards, too. I’m going to have to stay focused to make sure I get everything done with minimal stress.

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