Bob and I took Friday off work. After coffee, we went to walk around Kellogg Forest.
It was crisp and cool, but sunny. Saturday and Sunday were warmer, in the 60s, but rained cats and dogs. Today it’s back to cold, but with the addition of more rain.
I’ve made some progress on the sewing project. The pattern is not very details and the diagrams are just awful. This is that weird lycra insert in the mid-back (the red shoulder yoke is above that). It’s sewed into the inside back pleats on both sides.
Front of the uniform piece. I’ll attach the front yokes on tonight. There’s a 22 inch zipper that was supposed to be an invisible zipper but it turns out I don’t have an invisible zipper foot like I thought I did. The front has four panels on it (plus the two red yokes yet to go on).
This is the back of the uniform piece. It is also four panels, plus the weird lycra insert on the inside, plus the red yoke.
Tonight I’m going to attach the two front red yokes and sew up the side seams. Tomorrow or Wednesday, I’ll sew the crotch area. Then there are these weird side elastics that need to go in, and some other red pieces that I’m not sure how they attach to the yokes, and the sleeves. I hope to have it finished by this weekend, but we’ll see. It doesn’t need to be done until a week from Saturday.
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