This post is for Teri! 🙂 I often wish I could go back in time and walk Battle Creek when it was smaller (and possibly less violent?). This postcard makes it look like downtown is hoppin’ even in the evening. It’s a much different look on most evenings now.
Michigan Avenue at Night, Battle Creek, Michigan. This vibrant, sparkling city in southern Michigan is known the worlld over for its food and cereal production.
Made by Dexter Press, Inc. West Nyack, New York.
Penrod/Hiawatha Card Co., Berrien Center, Michigan 49102. All rights reserved.
April 5, 2011
this is how I remember downtown when I was a kid…. the 5 of us would yell CRUZ THE GUT!!! untill my Dad would finally drive up and down Michigan a couple of times…. thanks for digging this one up Jess!!!