Decoration Day

Thursday, May 26, 2011 0 No tags Permalink

Today Mom and I went to Lansing to decorate the graves for Memorial Day. It was cool (53 degrees) and raining. It’s been raining for the past few days, which helped us with the digging. We started with the Thorne/Cleary plot at Mt. Hope.

We planted hostas on both front and back of the central marker, and ferns on each side.

This plot is where my Great Grandma, Hudda (Hulda Thorne) is buried.

Hers is the stone on the lower left. She died in 1983.

We stopped at Jeanette’s grave. No one plants the Beaubien plot any more; they are all gone.

Then we went on to Evergreen, where my Grandma and Grandpa are. There were school kids putting flags on the graves of the veterans in the rain. We put in three zinnias and 16 marigolds. When we got there, we saw the remains of daffodils…Grandma had spring flowers this year. How much I miss her, every day! When we got to Lansing, we drove over to Great Lakes. I would have given just about anything to pull into the parking lot and go in to make lunch for Grandma and spend the afternoon chatting. There are so many things I want to tell her, so many things to catch up on.

After we were all done at the cemetery, we drove past Regent Street. The garage has been torn down behind the house. I would love to go in and walk around and see it all, one more time.

Mom and I stopped at Joe’s in Potterville for lunch, and at that Black Bird Primitives shop on the way home. It was a sad day, but a good day and I was so pleased to be able to share it with Mom.

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