Crochet Etsy

Monday, October 24, 2022 0 No tags Permalink
crochet Etsy

As I mentioned a few posts ago, I’ve decided to start a Crochet Etsy store with some of my crochet projects. I crochet every night for an hour or so while I watch tv (currently The Midnight Club on Netflix – anyone else?). I generally make cat blankets and lap blankets. When I want a fast project, I crochet dish cloths. And recently, I started crocheting these little decorative pumpkins (photo above). They are super fast and super fun to make and I can’t stop! I’ve made five and I’m working on large white #6. And I have yarn for many more crochet pumpkins! So many pumpkins.

There are only so many dish cloths and decorative pumpkins one household needs. Moreover, yarn is expensive and I love buying a lot of yarn. I thought by putting my wares on Crochet Etsy, maybe I could at least cover the cost of the yarn and clean out my house a bit at the same time.

Crochet Etsy dish cloths

Right now, I have some pre-paid USPS boxes stashed so I am offering free shipping. Who knows if I will ever get a single sale. But for now, if you are looking for reasonably-priced crocheted dish cloths or decorative pumpkins, check them out here.

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