13 Days Til Christmas
So. We have 13 days until Christmas. My holiday greeting cards are all addressed, but have nothing written inside yet. Going to make a batch of eggnog and see if it helps to spur some words. I understand that as long as your mix is 20% alcohol by volume, you can have raw eggs and not worry about having digestive issues. Here’s my recipe:
Easy Eggnog
2 eggs
2 1/3 cup dairy (I’m not here to judge you…use milk or whipping cream)
3 Tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
4 ounces alcohol of your choice
Put all ingredients in a blender and give it a whirl. Grate some fresh nutmeg on the top. With the alcohol, it will keep in the fridge a week or so.
Tuesday I went over and had lunch with Mom, and we decorated the tree.
I am still working on the felted cat toys. Here’s the gingerbread man (or Chewbacca the Wookie, or that talking shit from South Park):
Hope you are making progress on your own projects.
More holiday spirit:
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