February Update

february update michigan weather

Holy cats, all of January has passed. Time for a February update. It has been a busy start to the year. I’ve kicked up my exercise routine, made significant changes to my eating, been reading and working on various projects. The weather has been rough for me. January was mostly below-average temperatures, including some single-digit highs. February is also expected to have mostly below-average temperatures. It is wearing on my soul, as often happens. I have seen flocks of robins here and there, and I suspect they aren’t enjoying it any more than I am.


february update zines

So far in 2025, I’ve sold three zines on Etsy. I created the 2024 Year in Review zine (Detroit Lions had a great year, zine illustration above). I also made a fast mini-zine, Alternative Things to Celebrate in February Other Than Valentine’s Day that I included in my pen pal letters. I’m working on a mini zine on haikus, and I started the full zine about the World Health Organization. The Year in Review was professionally printed, and I will do the same for the W.H.O. zine.

One of the zine purchases was a lovely person who purchased my Cats mini zine and a sticker for her mom for Valentine’s Day. I wanted to do up a really nice package, so I made a little mini-journal as well:

february update mini journal

If you would like to help me pay for my printing costs and receive a zine in the mail, check out my Etsy store here. All purchases get a few fun bonuses added. Maybe you’ll get some stickers, or a bonus zine, or an original Artist Trading Card!

Artist Trading Cards (ATCs)

february update artist trading cards

You may recall in the past that I used to make and trade Artist Trading Cards, or ATCs. Or you might remember that I often make altered playing cards collage-style as a stress relief tool, and I even made a zine called Collage for Motivation (available on my Etsy store!). I am in an ATC group on Reddit and one on Facebook, and a few folks asked for trades so I sent out a few including these two (of three) from the series called My Blue Heart. The third one went in the Valentine’s Etsy order.

Valentine’s Projects

february update lip balm key chain

Speaking of Valentine’s Day, I always put together small packages of items for my staff members. I had been seeing these keychain charm lip balms on social media and on Etsy, and I decided to make some. It’s really fiddly work that requires good manual dexterity and good eyesight. I don’t have either of those things these days, so there’s a fair amount of frustration and swearing in the creation. I think they are cute, though. I hope the staff members like them.


february update reading

Finally, the February update for reading. I’ve listened to two of the Murderbot series audio books by Martha Wells. They are sci-fi and really short, like four-hour listens. I love them! They were recommended to me by a pen pal and I recommend them as well. I also picked up Shadows in the Ward by one of my pen pals, Katherine Anderson. It is a super fast and fun spooky read.

Misc. Thoughts

January again was a rough month. We had lots of anticipation as to what would happen after the inauguration, and the results have been even worse than I could have expected. Each day reading the news is a new horror. We are living in some weird timeline, a Star-Trek mirror universe. It is not good. So for the end of this February update, I encourage you to take time to take care of yourself and feed your soul. Just like on Twin Peaks (Twin Peaks Day is February 24), each day give yourself a present. Don’t plan it. Don’t wait for it. Just let it happen.

Year’s End 2024

Tuesday, December 31, 2024 0 No tags Permalink

Suddenly, we are at year’s end 2024. Mid-week New Year’s is odd, really. It gives a feeling of just wanting to get on with it already. Last night’s meltdown was remembering that, although I start the new year, Cass will remain forever in 2024. Nothing I can do about that.

The handsome buff cat above, wearing the bandage, is Bagel. He was a stray, feeding at a colony since October. In December he showed up with some pretty severe injuries from a likely dog bite, and we admitted him to our shelter. Since then, he’s had surgery to clean him up and neuter him, and he’s had his bandages changed out every other day or so. He is the world’s sweetest, softest cat.

I’m working on my bujo for next year. It won’t be completely ready by the start of the year, but it seems like a lot of things will work out that way for me. Year’s end 2024 just came up sooner than I expected. Maybe it was the late Thanksgiving. Maybe it’s that I’m older and time just moves like that now.

In 2024, we had the glory of breakdancing in the summer Olympics. A huge part of the maple tree fell on our roof. Biden halted his campaign for president, Trump was shot but survived, and Kamala Harris lost the election. I taught a couple of craft classes, sewed a bunch but sold very little for the Mutt Market, and made and sold zines. I did a great job with exercise and continued to work on not eating garbage all the time. The word of the year for me in 2024 was CREATIVITY and I think I achieved what I was looking for.

In 2025, I expect Trump will continue with policies and appointments that baffle the world. We will likely stop our support of Ukraine and that war may stop as a result. If that happens, it will be a win for tyranny. I hope to make more YouTube videos and make more zines. I hope to have a better sense of calm around me, as CALM is my word for the year.

If there is someone, anyone, out there continuing to read this blog and not just bots, my wish for you is a year of health and happiness.

It’s December!

Tuesday, December 3, 2024 0 No tags Permalink

Holy crap, we missed all of November and now it’s December! This year, I really tried to get ahead on my tasks so I could enjoy some of the month. I started addressing work holiday greeting cards the end of November and had almost all of them written by December 1st. I’m about 3/4 of the way done with gift purchases. I’ve addressed all of our cards at home and have sent a few as well. My goal is to write four of them each night. All of that work has kept me from working on YouTube videos or, apparently, blog updates.

Slow Stitch Meditation Roll Class

The slow stitch class went well. A few of the participants have kept up with their scrolls after the class, so I consider that is a success. I continue to work on my own slow stitch rolls as I have time and energy. The process is so soothing.

Family Time

Mom and I met Martha and Marlene for lunch in Marshall. It was so nice catching up! There’s always more stuff to talk about than there is time to spend.

Reading Journal

I have been listening to audio books, and I though perhaps I should start a reading journal to write them down so I don’t forget what I’ve listened to. Plus, it’s a fun creative outlet that looks a little different than my regular bullet journal. I’ve added pages for all of the books I’ve listened to this year, which is not a lot. I will be starting my 2025 bullet journal after I finish holiday greeting cards.

YouTube Videos

I have plans for a few YouTube videos that I will record as soon as I have time. I had planned one on autumn fountain pen inks; all the inks are out on my desk but autumn is now over. I may wind up recording it soon anyway, because you can watch videos whenever. I will also be doing a video on the reading journal, and then a year-end bullet journal review with the preview of the next year’s journal.

The Election

The election did not turn out well for our side. The side that supports women’s and minority individuals’ rights. The side that is in favor of fact and science. Trump’s appointments have all been horrific, tied to the Project 2025. The next four years will bring much change, for the United States and likely the world.

Thanksgiving Dinner

Bob said he’s never had to take care of Thanksgiving dinner with a shovel before this year. We made dinner for Mom at our house. The turkey was done, the stuffing looked amazing, gravy ready, mashed potatoes ready. But when I took the dressing out of the oven, I briefly put it on the hot burner while trying to figure out where I had counter space to rest it. I then picked it up and it exploded tiny shards of glass everywhere. All of the food was ruined and there was glass all over the kitchen and out into the hall and eating area. We wound up serving turkey burgers and quinoa. It was a complete disappointment.

So yes, it’s December and time is running out on the year. Hope your December is off to a great start!

October Recap

Spooky season and the month of October has gone so fast; time for an October recap. This first photo reminds me of a stained glass window or an oil painting.

I was hoping to do something to, I don’t know, celebrate spooky season. But Halloween is three days away, so it’s all kind of missed me. I haven’t even watched a horror film. I did manage to put staff gifts together, which is always kind of fun. And I sent Halloween cards to family and friends.

I’ve been thinking of my 2025 goals and starting to think of putting together my new bullet journal. This thinking has led me to shut down my Etsy except for zines, and end the whole Feral Cat Crafts Facebook, Insta, plans for craft fairs, all of it. I did manage to get two mini-zines done this month. One is a memory zine, and the other is an instructional zine for the upcoming Slow Stitch Meditation Roll class I’m teaching at the senior center November 6. Both zines were colored with Caran D’Ache neocolor ii crayons, which I am absolutely loving. I guess you would call them watercolors, or maybe pastels?

We’ve been working on finishing up the roof project, and have started cleaning up the leaves. Soup day went well enough. I finished listening to the audiobook of “Slewfoot” by Brom, and started listening to “Fantasticland” by Mike Bockoven. Slewfoot started out pretty good, but I didn’t think the ending was great.

November will be busy, with starting to write out holiday greeting cards for work and home. I’ve got the aforementioned class I’m a bit worried about. And then there is Thanksgiving. I hope to have my holiday gift shopping done entirely by the end of November. Not sure what the election results will be, though everyone is a bit on-edge.

What are you working on?

Spooky Season Memories

Wednesday, October 2, 2024 0 No tags Permalink

I love Halloween and all of spooky season. Mind you, I don’t like being scared. But I enjoy the costumes and the creativity of coming up with spooky themes and ideas. I haven’t had a creative outlet for this side of myself since the pandemic. So, now that it is October, I thought I’d share some spooky season memories from my glory days.


I love a good Halloween costume. For the second year of the Trail of Terror, I had all of the guides dress up as ringmasters. It was awesome.


In 2019, I dressed up as the character Agatha in the 1986 classic movie The Worst Witch, played by Charlotte Rae. It was an easier option, considering I had to put together the whole Trail of Terror – Nightmare Circus that year as well. Note, my rosacea was in an outbreak stage at this point.


2018 was another year of regular costume and Trail of Terror, so I dressed as Catman from the Band Kiss (Peter Criss).


2017 was a super fun year. I sewed the purple dress and green sheer overlay myself, and purchased the wig from a specialty shop (high quality) to recreate Endora from Bewitched, played by Agnes Moorehead. My Aunt Gini didn’t recognize me when I sent her the photo.


I was sensitive about my weight in 2016 and could kick myself now for not taking a full body photo of my costume. I dressed as Mr. Dark from Something Wicked This Way Comes, with cat and dog tattoos on both palms.


I got to live out my favorite character dreams from Mortal Kombat in 2015, with my Lord Raiden costume. Didn’t get a full body on this one either as I thought I looked like the Michelin Man. Note to self: take the photo anyway.


I was recovering from my ACL repair surgery in 2014, and was on crutches. I went easy with the costume, though I designed and painted my own mask, to be one of the background dancers on What Does the Fox Say:


It’s hard to find non-sexualized costumes for women for Halloween. In 2013, I dressed as Robert Smith from the Cure.


This is another costume I sewed myself. I got a pattern that was supposed to be an exact replicate of the original jumpsuit patterns for Voyager. It was a bear to sew, very complicated, and it was a touch tight in the seat when I sat down. I know I must have dressed up before 2012, and I know for sure I dressed up at Community Action, but I don’t remember the outfits or years.

Trail of Terror

I really wish I would have take more photos from the first year of the Trail of Terror so I could share them on these spooky season memories. We had a section with giant scarecrows hoisted ten feet off the ground. There was a path of baby doll heads stuffed with lights to make them glow. We had a little story to go along the trail, with hostile neighbors and actors. Students from Albion College did the thriller dance at the end of the trail.

The second year was Nightmare Circus. I had so much fun designing the props. We had a long tunnel with a mirror maze. I designed and painted carnival signs. We had a fortune teller with a literal third eye, acrobats, carnies, and side show acts. It was amazing. Everything was coated with paint to glow under black light and the tour guides/ringmasters all had black glow flashlights.

We keep the lights out at our house due to our location, and we no longer have the trail of terror or the kid-and-dog Howl-O-Ween event at the shelter. Each year I put together small fun Halloween gift bags for the staff members at the shelter, and I’ve been collecting items for the bags for this year, too. I also send Halloween cards and maybe some small gifts to my pen pals. All of my props remain at the shelter in the pole barn, just in case things change. I don’t have room at home for all of it, and there really is a lot. Maybe, someday, things will change.

What are your plans for Halloween?

September Recap

It’s October, yo. And so fast! Time for a quick September Recap before we start on spooky season.


september recap Tuxie Gilbert

In September, we managed to snatch the cat we had been seeing since early spring, aka Tuxie Gilbert. He turned out to be really sweet. We had him neutered and I was fortunately able to find placement for him in Ann Arbor. Unfortunately, this guy wound up kicking me into a compassion fatigue meltdown literally 16 years in the making. Spoiler: I’m doing better now.

September recap Jett the kitten

This guy is Jett. He is having an eye issue of unknown origin, so he went with me to see Dr. Ben. He’s on new medication, but the prognosis is still unknown. I’ve been spending extra time cuddling him.

Matthaei Botanical Gardens

September recap matthaei gardens

I made a quick trip to Matthaei Botanical Gardens. It is glorious.

September recap Matthaei gardens


september recap craft queen craft fair

Mom and I stopped by the Craft Queen craft fair. It was a nice day and I supported some local arts and crafts businesses, which is always a win. I took a break from sewing to work on a couple of scarves for a local Facebook group that makes scarves and hats for Battle Creek children who don’t have appropriate winter wear. I’ve also been working on a super fuzzy lap blanket for a friend who needs a hug. I didn’t intend the colors to look like candy corn, but there you have it.

september recap crochet blanket

Misc. September Recap Stuff

september recap Urinetown

We went to see cousin Evan in Urinetown at the Great Escape Stage Company in Marshall. It was really good. Charles Burr and Kelly VanRyswyk were also in it. It’s a lovely little theater and they really did a good job.

september recap

The mushrooms are now making an appearance on the Bark Park trails. We worked on the roof and indeed, finished the lower back half. Hopefully the upper portion will be done quickly, before the weather really turns. On a rainy day, I cleaned up my craft space some so I can paint my new zine (Clean Slate) when I get the opportunity. I’m ready to be done with the crochet projects so I can also get back to sewing some. I did get my Covid and flu vaccine, so hopefully I will avoid any sickness this autumn. The gardens need cleanup, at least to some point. I like to remove the leftover mess from the vegetables while leaving the perennials for the critters to use for overwintering. It’s been so dry I’ve had to work on keeping the birdbaths full.

Coming in October

Spooky season is upon us, and has me reminiscing of my glory days of Halloweens past. October 31 is on a Thursday this year, and the lobby is open to the public, so I could dress up. I’m not sure I have it in me though. I will do a post in October about past costumes I think. Before the pandemic, I had collected some parts of a Mrs. Peacock costume. For work, we will have our State inspection and Soup Day! I’ll send out some Halloween cards and small gifts to pen pals. I need to prep for the first class I am teaching at the senior center, “Slow Stitch Meditation Rolls” taking place the beginning of November. No Etsy sales in September, and my social media stats were down, too. Hope your autumn is off to a great start!

Late Summer Sewing

Wednesday, September 4, 2024 0 No tags Permalink

The Mutt Market is over. It rained. A lot. Mom sold more than last year, and I sold less. Overall I sold two zippered pouches, two keychain wristlets, two quilted bookmarks, and five stickers. No slow stitch brooches. None of last year’s scrunchies or leggy froggies.

Since the Mutt Market ended, I’ve been doing some late summer sewing. I had fabric to make some more zippered pouches, and so I did finish some and put them up on Etsy, where no one is looking at them either.

late summer sewing
late summer sewing
late summer sewing

I also sewed this pouch and matching wristlet keychain for Beverly as a birthday gift. I absolutely love the fabric!

late summer sewing

With my late summer sewing, I have also been interested in quilting. I did put together this larger quilted tote:

Which isn’t straight enough for sale due to wonky sewing on the top bias binding. But I’ve been collecting some fabric to make an actual quilt. I’ve just struggled a bit with the energy to start it. I’ve got a huge mess in my sewing room right now.

It feels 100% like autumn now. We’ve still had some heat spells here and there, but the past few days the morning temps have dropped to 47. Leaves are turning and dropping. I’m pretty much done with the garden, though we’ve had a bumper crop of rutgers tomatoes. Honestly, after 16 years compassion fatigue has set in and I’m just tired and struggling.

Mutt Market Tomorrow

mutt market tomorrow

So, the Mutt Market tomorrow. Lots of rain, lots of wind, some storms. Unhappy vendors asking us to push the event back a few weeks. However, it will go tomorrow, rain or shine but it will be rain and a lot of rain and everything is wet and smells like wet dog. Vendors are allowed to cancel or attend, their choice. Mom and I will have our booth there. I’ll have zippered pouches:

mutt market tomorrow

Quilted bookmarks:

mutt market tomorrow

Pins, zines, stickers, and last year’s crochet items. I don’t think the pins will sell and I wouldn’t buy one either. The canvas totes with the hearts just didn’t work in the end. I had a small selection of t-shirts with DTF transfers but I didn’t get those done. One of the stickers won’t arrive until Monday.

This summer has burned me out. I didn’t take the time for myself because everyone else needed time. And after 16 years, I believe I’m fully settled in compassion fatigue. I hope that after this event, I can manage to squirrel myself away for the autumn and take care of myself. I have some sewing projects I want to work on and enjoy, just for myself. I’ll put up the stuff that didn’t sell at the market on Etsy, as well as the stuff I didn’t finish. And maybe some of the new projects, like this quilted bag:

Mid July Market Prep

mid july market prep

I’ve been working away, both at the shelter and personally, for the Mutt Market August 17. As things are happening quickly, I figured it’s time for a mid July Market Prep update. We have 31 days left to get everything done. I think I have most of the stuff for the booth, as well as displays, set and ready to go. We will still need to set everything up to make sure it looks ok. I did make this cute bunting (photo above) to hang from the front of the canopy with the fairy lights. It’s strawberry and watermelon themed.

Wristlet Key Rings

I’ve been cutting, ironing, and sewing. So far I have 12 wristlet key rings like these (pictured above). I still have eight of the swivel snap wristlet key rings to sew. I anticipate I will get the eight sewn and then maybe add another six of the regular rings like above done as well. I’m expecting to sell the regular rings for $8 each and the swivel rings for $9 each.

Heart Tote Bags

I have six totes that I’m stitching these hearts for and will attach them on. The first one is slow stitched (pictured above), but I think it is too small for the tote so I’m going to try a larger heart and might do a patchwork thing on the sewing machine. I’m hoping they will sell for $15 each.

Slow-Stitch Pins and Key Rings

I have eight slow-stitch pins of various shapes and sizes and one slow-stitch key ring. I’d like to have another four or so pins and five more key rings. I’m hoping they will sell at $6 each.

Zippered Cases

I’m testing out a series of small zippered cases and credit card holders. Not entirely sure they will come together at this point. Best case scenario, I can make eight of the zippered cases and sell them for $12 each, and eight of the credit card holders for $8 each.

Misc. Items

In addition to all of the sewn items, I’ll have a small collection of my zines ($3 each), and some stickers ($2 each) if they turn out well. I’ll also have the crochet hair scrunchies and leggy frogs I didn’t sell last year. There’s a few other crochet booths at the Mutt Market, so I’m not really anticipating my crochet stuff will sell this year either. And, of course, whatever my Mom gets done. The biggest question regarding if we will sell anything is how the craft fair goes altogether. I invested in more signage this year. It’s super important to me that all of the crafters and artisans feel like it is a fun, successful day. Fingers crossed for good weather and a great turnout.

June Update

It’s time for a June update, since we only have three days left in June. I don’t know whether I’m coming or going these days. Things at work have been stressful, and honestly I’m just not feeling very well physically. I need a week where I can catch up on house cleaning, a week to fix the issues in the garden, a week to catch up on my various side hustle projects, and then a week or more to sleep. But instead I get two days here and there, sometimes over the actual weekend, sometimes not.

June Update Mutt Market prep

Mutt Market Prep

The Mutt Market is coming up August 17 and I’m working away on market prep. Once again, Mom and I have a booth in addition to my running the whole event. Right now I’m planning on selling the following:
– Swivel Snap Wristlets (8, have not made one yet)
– Slow Stitch Shopping Totes (6, have not made one yet)
– Slow Stitch Keychains (10, have made just one so far)
– Slow Stitch Brooches (maybe up to 20? I have completed 6)
– Slow Stitch Lavender Sachets (10, have not made one yet)
– Slow Stitch Meditation Roll Kits (5, have not made one yet)
– Whichever zines I have completed and have copies of, an assortment
– Leftover crochet hair scrunchies from last year
– Leftover crochet leggy froggies from last year

I had an idea and patterns for some beach towel bags, but I doubt very much I will get any of those done. As always, I have so many more ideas than I have time to work on them. I have some ideas for tshirts and more totes, but maybe I can work on those over the winter? I’m working on social media posts for all of my accounts for the side hustles, and I’m pulling together the actual set up for the Mutt Market. I got new lights for the canopy. I am planning on making watermelon and strawberry bunting as a decoration. I have a few new displays coming as well. Looking back at the photos from last year, I am not super pleased with how the table looked. Fingers crossed for this year.

Storm Damage

We had some storm damage a few weeks ago. Our big maple tree was hit by lightning. Bob did a great job cleaning everything up and is working on roof repairs. As you can see, part of the tree came right through the ceiling of the back porch and destroyed the cat tree.

June Update back porch
June Update tree


I continue to make and sell zines on Etsy. I’ve had a total of 36 sales since January 1. I also just put together a zine for the presentation I’m doing at the Marshall District Library July 9. My next zine, whenever I get back to it, is on the religion of Spiritualism. I found some old copies of TNS publications from the 1990s. I played the piano one summer for the Memorial Spiritualist Church many years ago.

June Update zines

Garden and Health

Maxy’s garden here is looking pretty good. The rest of the flower borders are not. I haven’t taken a video since May, and I really need to just so you can see the problems. We’ve had more slugs this year than I’ve ever seen in my life, and they decimated all of the annuals. I’ve tried beer traps and egg shells. Then there’s the problem with deer. They’ve eaten the ferns, all of the violas, the dianthus, and all of the coneflowers. There aren’t many flowers in the flower gardens this year. I just haven’t had the time or energy to get out and spray to keep the deer out. Thankfully the fencing is keeping the vegetable garden going though it would be better if I could get it watered. I’m really hoping for rain tonight as I have an event after work again. I just haven’t been feeling well. Lots of headaches, quite a few migraines, intense exhaustion and joint pain. I need to get some answers, as this is no way to live.