February Update

february update michigan weather

Holy cats, all of January has passed. Time for a February update. It has been a busy start to the year. I’ve kicked up my exercise routine, made significant changes to my eating, been reading and working on various projects. The weather has been rough for me. January was mostly below-average temperatures, including some single-digit highs. February is also expected to have mostly below-average temperatures. It is wearing on my soul, as often happens. I have seen flocks of robins here and there, and I suspect they aren’t enjoying it any more than I am.


february update zines

So far in 2025, I’ve sold three zines on Etsy. I created the 2024 Year in Review zine (Detroit Lions had a great year, zine illustration above). I also made a fast mini-zine, Alternative Things to Celebrate in February Other Than Valentine’s Day that I included in my pen pal letters. I’m working on a mini zine on haikus, and I started the full zine about the World Health Organization. The Year in Review was professionally printed, and I will do the same for the W.H.O. zine.

One of the zine purchases was a lovely person who purchased my Cats mini zine and a sticker for her mom for Valentine’s Day. I wanted to do up a really nice package, so I made a little mini-journal as well:

february update mini journal

If you would like to help me pay for my printing costs and receive a zine in the mail, check out my Etsy store here. All purchases get a few fun bonuses added. Maybe you’ll get some stickers, or a bonus zine, or an original Artist Trading Card!

Artist Trading Cards (ATCs)

february update artist trading cards

You may recall in the past that I used to make and trade Artist Trading Cards, or ATCs. Or you might remember that I often make altered playing cards collage-style as a stress relief tool, and I even made a zine called Collage for Motivation (available on my Etsy store!). I am in an ATC group on Reddit and one on Facebook, and a few folks asked for trades so I sent out a few including these two (of three) from the series called My Blue Heart. The third one went in the Valentine’s Etsy order.

Valentine’s Projects

february update lip balm key chain

Speaking of Valentine’s Day, I always put together small packages of items for my staff members. I had been seeing these keychain charm lip balms on social media and on Etsy, and I decided to make some. It’s really fiddly work that requires good manual dexterity and good eyesight. I don’t have either of those things these days, so there’s a fair amount of frustration and swearing in the creation. I think they are cute, though. I hope the staff members like them.


february update reading

Finally, the February update for reading. I’ve listened to two of the Murderbot series audio books by Martha Wells. They are sci-fi and really short, like four-hour listens. I love them! They were recommended to me by a pen pal and I recommend them as well. I also picked up Shadows in the Ward by one of my pen pals, Katherine Anderson. It is a super fast and fun spooky read.

Misc. Thoughts

January again was a rough month. We had lots of anticipation as to what would happen after the inauguration, and the results have been even worse than I could have expected. Each day reading the news is a new horror. We are living in some weird timeline, a Star-Trek mirror universe. It is not good. So for the end of this February update, I encourage you to take time to take care of yourself and feed your soul. Just like on Twin Peaks (Twin Peaks Day is February 24), each day give yourself a present. Don’t plan it. Don’t wait for it. Just let it happen.

Mutt Market Tomorrow

mutt market tomorrow

So, the Mutt Market tomorrow. Lots of rain, lots of wind, some storms. Unhappy vendors asking us to push the event back a few weeks. However, it will go tomorrow, rain or shine but it will be rain and a lot of rain and everything is wet and smells like wet dog. Vendors are allowed to cancel or attend, their choice. Mom and I will have our booth there. I’ll have zippered pouches:

mutt market tomorrow

Quilted bookmarks:

mutt market tomorrow

Pins, zines, stickers, and last year’s crochet items. I don’t think the pins will sell and I wouldn’t buy one either. The canvas totes with the hearts just didn’t work in the end. I had a small selection of t-shirts with DTF transfers but I didn’t get those done. One of the stickers won’t arrive until Monday.

This summer has burned me out. I didn’t take the time for myself because everyone else needed time. And after 16 years, I believe I’m fully settled in compassion fatigue. I hope that after this event, I can manage to squirrel myself away for the autumn and take care of myself. I have some sewing projects I want to work on and enjoy, just for myself. I’ll put up the stuff that didn’t sell at the market on Etsy, as well as the stuff I didn’t finish. And maybe some of the new projects, like this quilted bag:

Crochet Update

Thursday, December 15, 2022 0 No tags Permalink
crochet update

I have a big crochet update! I sold my first two items on Etsy! The boxes are all put together and include some stickers and individual packs of gummy bears. I hope I’ve done a nice enough job on the wrapping, and I get positive reviews. I’m quite nervous!

crochet update

I’ve been working on some rude dish towels, too. I ordered the printed towels off Etsy and have been crocheting toppers on them so they hang on the stove. I think it’s a good mix of old fashioned and rude. They are Christmas gifts for some coworkers who don’t mind profanity or other nastiness.

I’m really looking forward to getting the last of the gift projects done so I can get back to making some scarves for Etsy. I have so much yarn! I’m well behind on everything and starting to stress a little. I have all of my holiday greeting cards addressed, but writing them out is taking forever as I can only do a few on the weekends. I’m also well behind on the cards and letters at work, although I am caught up with Momo the Cat’s cards. I still have to put together all of the staff gifts and stuff for home as well. At least I should have the last of my packages mailed today and the ones for out of state have already been delivered.

Are you feeling the stress of the season? How do you cope with deadlines and still enjoying yourself?