Marriott Motor Hotel

Wednesday, April 10, 2013 0 No tags Permalink

Marriott Motor Hotel – Washington, DC

Marriott Motor HotelMarriott Motor Hotel
Twin Bridges
Washington, D.C.
Located on the Potomac River, overlooking the Capitol and convenient to all attractions. Only 5 minutes from downtown Washington and the National Airport. 500 beautiful rooms, Persian Ballroom, Fairfield Inn restaurant and Sirloin and Saddle Steak Room.

This lovely vintage postcard was mailed from Washington DC at 4:30PM on August 16, 1962 using a green 1 cent Washington stamp. It was mailed to Netta Bell Shenberger, 1010 Mt. Rose Ave, York, PA.

I’m staying here a few days. Its beautiful here.
Marian S.

(see also Jack Frost Villas in Miami Beach, mailed to Netta B. Shenberger)

The Marriott Motor Hotel, also known as the Twin Bridges Motor Hotel, has its own wiki. The hotel opened in 1957 and was demolished in 1990.

From wiki: “At its opening, the motel comprised 365 rooms, each with two double beds and a black and white television set. Originally designed as a classic motel with six two-story buildings with exterior entrances, within a few years a 100-room addition of a 5-story tower was added with space for restaurants, meeting rooms, and a rooftop lounge. A new lobby was added, along with a swimming pool that could be converted to an ice rink in the winter. Original rates were $8 per night plus $1 for each person, with a maximum charge of $12. Check-in was outside so the clerk could see how many were in the guests’ car. Clerks would then escort the guests to their room by bicycle.”

Here’s an article on the closing of the hotel. And this photoblog has great photos of the land where the Marriott used to stand. One of the fantastic things about collecting postcards: Netta B (and, likely Marian S.) are long dead. The building pictured in the postcard fell more than 20 years ago. But this small card, this ephemeron, has lasted to point to evidence of the small shared exchange from so many years ago.

Cherry Blossoms

Monday, May 24, 2010 0 No tags Permalink

Cherry Blossoms

Our Nation’s Capital

Jefferson Memorial…The blossom-
ing of the Japanese Cherry Trees gives
the Thomas Jefferson Memorial its most
beautiful setting. This work of John
Russell Pope was dedicated April 13, 1943
on the 200th anniversary of the birth of
Jefferson. South side of the Tidal Basin.

Published by Silberne Souvenir Sales, Inc., Washington D.C.

This postcard is part of a series, including sketches of the capitol building, white house, jefferson memorial, lincoln monument and washington memorial on back of the card.

April at work has been hitting the estate and garage sales for me and finding postcards. Isn’t that the most thoughtful gift ever? 🙂 She’s a special person, and I’m lucky to have her work with me.