It’s December!

Tuesday, December 3, 2024 0 No tags Permalink

Holy crap, we missed all of November and now it’s December! This year, I really tried to get ahead on my tasks so I could enjoy some of the month. I started addressing work holiday greeting cards the end of November and had almost all of them written by December 1st. I’m about 3/4 of the way done with gift purchases. I’ve addressed all of our cards at home and have sent a few as well. My goal is to write four of them each night. All of that work has kept me from working on YouTube videos or, apparently, blog updates.

Slow Stitch Meditation Roll Class

The slow stitch class went well. A few of the participants have kept up with their scrolls after the class, so I consider that is a success. I continue to work on my own slow stitch rolls as I have time and energy. The process is so soothing.

Family Time

Mom and I met Martha and Marlene for lunch in Marshall. It was so nice catching up! There’s always more stuff to talk about than there is time to spend.

Reading Journal

I have been listening to audio books, and I though perhaps I should start a reading journal to write them down so I don’t forget what I’ve listened to. Plus, it’s a fun creative outlet that looks a little different than my regular bullet journal. I’ve added pages for all of the books I’ve listened to this year, which is not a lot. I will be starting my 2025 bullet journal after I finish holiday greeting cards.

YouTube Videos

I have plans for a few YouTube videos that I will record as soon as I have time. I had planned one on autumn fountain pen inks; all the inks are out on my desk but autumn is now over. I may wind up recording it soon anyway, because you can watch videos whenever. I will also be doing a video on the reading journal, and then a year-end bullet journal review with the preview of the next year’s journal.

The Election

The election did not turn out well for our side. The side that supports women’s and minority individuals’ rights. The side that is in favor of fact and science. Trump’s appointments have all been horrific, tied to the Project 2025. The next four years will bring much change, for the United States and likely the world.

Thanksgiving Dinner

Bob said he’s never had to take care of Thanksgiving dinner with a shovel before this year. We made dinner for Mom at our house. The turkey was done, the stuffing looked amazing, gravy ready, mashed potatoes ready. But when I took the dressing out of the oven, I briefly put it on the hot burner while trying to figure out where I had counter space to rest it. I then picked it up and it exploded tiny shards of glass everywhere. All of the food was ruined and there was glass all over the kitchen and out into the hall and eating area. We wound up serving turkey burgers and quinoa. It was a complete disappointment.

So yes, it’s December and time is running out on the year. Hope your December is off to a great start!

Welcome 2024

welcome 2024

Can you believe it? It’s time to welcome 2024! The holidays always go so fast. There’s just something about a fresh new year, though. Full of possibilities! You’ll see my bullet journal vision page spread above. I’ve selected my word of the year, Creativity. I let go of things I cannot control by finding peace. I find peace through my creativity. I also plan on continuing to improve my health, and getting better control of my finances. My yearly bullet journal is where I track my daily activities, as well as my progress on goals of the year. By the end of 2024, I will have increased financial security, health, peace, and creativity.

2024 Goals


I made some good progress on my health in 2023. However, the older I get, the more work seems to be required to maintain. This year, I need to lower my A1C and get my LDL Calculated and Non HDL lower.


This year, I am going to track every purchase I make and see if I can’t do a better job of planning or stopping the frivolous purchases. I’m going to review my IRA and see if I can’t have a plan for better growth as well.


In 2024, I want to get back to regular painting. I find great peace while painting. I already have a project I need to start on right away, so that will be a great start. I plan to paint one piece each month. After taking the prose poetry class last year, I have not made time to keep up with regular writing. It is important to me, and I want to place greater emphasis on it this year. In 2024, I will write four prose poems and month. By the end of the year, I will have one prose poem published. I love zines, and would like to work on creating and sharing more this year. In 2024, I will create two zines per month.

Social Media

I maintain a number of social media pages and groups. In 2024, I want to keep a regular schedule of when things get published and make sure I’m keeping up. I’d like to grow my YouTube channel specifically. Want to help? Here are the links:




What are you doing for your 2024 goals?