Vintage Postcards – Battle Creek Sanitarium
South View Sanitarium, Battle Creek, Mich.
This lovely vintage divided-back postcard was mailed January 7, 1913 using a green 1 cent Washington stamp. It was mailed to Dr. Julia Ross, W. University Ave., Champaign, Ill. It reads:
Dear Friend;
How are you? I think this is a nice place and the weather is just as mild as our Ill. weather so far Wish you and Sister a Happy New Year. With Love N. Jervis
The handwriting is so lovely!
Palm Garden, Sanitarium, Battle Creek, Mich.
This lovely vintage divided-back postcard was mailed May 15, 1913 using a green 1 cent Washington stamp. It was mailed to Mrs. F.A. Rugg, Washington Ave., Seymour, Conn. It reads:
May 13th, 1913
We are leaving this lovely place today. I would like to stay here a month – the health foods are very good and I have enjoyed them. Hope to see you soon. K.
Bob surprised me with these beautiful cards from the Lansing postcard expo. If you are not familiar with the Battle Creek San, this wiki has all the history. Perhaps you’ve seen The Road to Wellville?
This was the place to have high school proms when I was in school. It didn’t have the palm garden in those days, though. I’d like a palm garden in my house. I think it would improve my health and well being, especially during winter months!