1941 Singer 66-16

Monday, January 28, 2013 3 No tags Permalink

Last night the rain/ice moved in and we had a bit of a mess. It’s supposed to be up to 45 today and close to 60 tomorrow before it cascades back down to the single digits for the weekend. Ugh! It is the last week of January, though. We have 51 days until spring.

I have Grandma’s sewing machine. Mom and I tried to get it going a few years ago to make some curtains, but we couldn’t get it to work. I’ve done a bit of internet research, and I’m going to clean it up and give it another try.

1941 Singer 66-16 front view
I looked up the serial number along with the details. It is a model 66-16, AG283xxx. It was ‘born’ on December 16, 1941 along with 35,000 machines at the Elizabeth, New Jersey plant.

1941 Singer 66-16 top view

This top view shows the oil holes in the top (oiling is the second thing on my list after cleaning).

1941 Singer 66-16

Have an old Singer and want the official word on it? The Singer website has a great section to learn more about your vintage machine.

1941 Singer 66-16

If you need to ID your machine (to learn the difference between the 66 and 66-16, for instance), this website is excellent.

1941 Singer 66-16
If I can get Grandma’s machine up and running by next weekend, I have a very special project I will be working on. If I can’t, I guess I’ll be doing that project on my new Brother. It’s really the difference between what is easy (the Brother has all the different stitches, has a walking foot attachment, and I feel comfortable using it) and the sentimental project.

  • Bob
    January 29, 2013

    The Singer seems to be a higher quality machine. The Brother is nice with many advanced features but the heavy use of plastics suggest it will not have the lifespan of the Singer. Let me know if I can assist in getting your grandma’s sewing machine going again

  • admin
    January 29, 2013

    I could absolutely use your help in getting it going. I’ve found an online manual that walks you through the process of cleaning/oiling/replacing each part, but I’m not exactly mechanically inclined and just reading it made me confused. Also, I may need a new power cord.

  • Shelly
    January 29, 2013

    I LOVE it! My mom has one of these! This one is in better shape, though. It’s beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

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